Portrait of Process Learning Based On Japanese Culture with Nihongo Partners at SMK PGRI 13 Surabaya


  • Sarah Meliana Monica State University of Surabaya
  • Rusmiyati State University of Surabaya


Cultural learning, portrait of learning, Nihongo Partners


As a step taken from the phenomenon of the rise of Japanese cultural festivals which are of interest to teenagers in Indonesia, especially from middle school to high school students, the Nihongo Partners program has been implemented by the Japan Foundation Jakarta since 2014 as this is one of the activities initiated by the head office in Tokyo to carry out cultural exchanges between countries. The purpose of conducting this research is to find out the Japanese culture-based learning process with Nihongo Partners at SMK PGRI 13 Surabaya and to find out students' responses to learning Japanese culture with Nihongo Partners. The data sources used are students who receive Japanese culture lessons with Nihongo Partners, and Nihongo Partners who are placed at SMK PGRI 13 Surabaya. The data was obtained using observation, questionnaire, and documentation techniques and then analyzed using the qualitative description method with stages developed by Miles and Huberman, namely the data reduction stage, data presentation, and concluding. The results imply that learning has achieved learning outcomes prepared based on the Education Standards issued by the Japan Foundation using a constructivist approach which has similarities with cultural learning. The type of cultural learning given to students is learning with culture and learning through culture. Apart from that, the learning flow used has an initial stage (dounyuu and mokuteki no teiji), a core stage (setsumei and sougou renshuu), and a final stage (teichaku kakunin). Judging from the results of students' responses to cultural learning, learning went well with a percentage of 81,78%. By having cultural learning with Nihongo Partners, students are happy with the learning atmosphere and receive benefits that can be applied in life.




How to Cite

Sarah Meliana Monica, & Rusmiyati. (2024). Portrait of Process Learning Based On Japanese Culture with Nihongo Partners at SMK PGRI 13 Surabaya. Proceeding of International Conference on Japanese Studies, Language and Education, 5(1), 28-37. Retrieved from http://proceedings.aspbji.id/index.php/icjsle/article/view/83